Paige Cerulli Last Updated On: January 23, 2025

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Floridians Struggling to Afford Healthcare

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Inflation and rising health insurance costs affect all Americans, but for Floridians, affording healthcare is particularly difficult. Florida faces unusually high health insurance costs, and residents are feeling the pinch.

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Why Health Insurance Is So Expensive in Florida

Florida’s health insurance industry is dominated by a few insurance companies, which means there’s less incentive for companies to keep costs low and compete with other companies for customers. Additionally, Florida has an unusually high population of residents age 65 and up, which leads to increased healthcare costs and higher health insurance premiums.

Adding to the challenge is the fact that Florida is one of 10 states that haven’t expanded Medicaid to cover all low-income residents. Medicaid offers health insurance to low-income Americans, helping them to get insurance and healthcare that they couldn’t otherwise afford. Eligibility for Medicaid is income-based, and Florida’s restrictions are strict; currently, individuals in Florida must make less than $12,828 per year to qualify. A couple filing jointly must make less than $17,352 per year in Florida.

According to KFF, if Florida were to expand its Medicaid program, an additional 789,800 uninsured nonelderly adults would be eligible for coverage.

Until that happens, low-income Floridians who make too much to qualify for Medicaid must rely on the Health Insurance Marketplace. Even subsidized health insurance plans may be too expensive for some Floridians to afford. As a result, Floridians are going without health insurance. According to Axios data, about 2.3 million Floridians under age 65 lack health insurance, and the state ranks fourth in the United States for the percentage of people under age 65 without health insurance.

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How Floridians Can Get Health Insurance

In 2026, Floridians will have a chance to vote on Medicaid expansion in the state election. Expanding Medicaid could help more Floridians get health insurance coverage. If the expansion passes, the income eligibility limits would be increased. Using 2024 as an example, individuals making $20,783 and a family of three earning $35,631 could qualify for Medicaid.

Until that expansion, Floridians need to continue to look for ways to access affordable healthcare plans. Employer-provided plans may be an option for some, and given the state’s high healthcare costs, employees might carefully weigh health insurance availability and cost when deciding between multiple jobs and employers.

Traditional methods of saving on health insurance can also help. By shopping around for health insurance and comparing quotes, Floridians can make sure they’ve chosen the best plan that fits their needs and their budget. Floridians can use the Healthcare Marketplace and report their income to qualify for subsidies and tax credits.

Additionally, Floridians might consider choosing a health insurance plan with a higher deductible. Higher deductible plans have lower monthly premiums, so Floridians could pay less for their health insurance. However, if they need to file a claim and use the insurance, Floridians will be responsible for paying a higher deductible before their insurance contributes to their healthcare costs. It’s important to have that money saved up and set aside, just in case. 

Paige Cerulli Paige Cerulli is a freelance content writer and journalist who specializes in personal finance topics. She graduated from Westfield State University and brings more than a decade of professional writing experience to the ConsumerCoverage team. Paige’s work has appeared in outlets including USA Today, Business Insider, and more.

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