What We Do

We meet people where they live, in their communities, and use fun, accessible, and free resources to help consumers see how their decisions about personal finance shape and impact every aspect of their lives and how the right tools and knowledge can transform things for the better. Not only have we developed a performance-tested platform that allows consumers to get fast, free, and absolutely secure financial tools, but ConsumerCoverage is also home to a next-level library of expert-developed and easy-to-digest blogs and videos on the most important personal finance topics. From insurance to credit cards, when it matters, we’ve got you covered. Feel free to contact us, anytime.
Recent Articles

How Does Life Insurance with A Long-Term Care Rider Work?

Life insurance can give you and your family valuable peace of mind, but it’s important to choose the policy that’s right for your budget and your financial goals. As you explore different policies, you might want to consider life insurance with a long-term care rider. This type of rider can provide financial help if you can’t independently care for yourself.

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Insurtech Solutions in 2024

The insurance industry is undergoing major changes. New risks, like growing natural disaster severity, are changing the insurance landscape, while insurance providers are also under pressure to provide fast claims payouts and optimal customer experiences.

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Workers Compensation Insurance For Self Employed

Workers compensation insurance helps to protect both employers and employees. If an employee is injured or becomes ill as the result of their job, workers comp insurance can help to cover expenses like medical bills and time off. Currently, all states but Texas require employers to purchase this coverage for employees.

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Recent Articles
    • June 13, 2024

      How Does Life Insurance with A Long-Term Care Rider Work?

      Life insurance can give you and your family valuable peace of mind, but it’s important to choose the policy that’s right for your budget and your financial goals. As you explore different policies, you might want to consider life insurance with a long-term care rider. This type of rider can provide financial help if you can’t independently care for yourself.

    • May 14, 2024

      Insurtech Solutions in 2024

      The insurance industry is undergoing major changes. New risks, like growing natural disaster severity, are changing the insurance landscape, while insurance providers are also under pressure to provide fast claims payouts and optimal customer experiences.

    • May 14, 2024

      Workers Compensation Insurance For Self Employed

      Workers compensation insurance helps to protect both employers and employees. If an employee is injured or becomes ill as the result of their job, workers comp insurance can help to cover expenses like medical bills and time off. Currently, all states but Texas require employers to purchase this coverage for employees.

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    2035 N Mason Road #504 Katy, TX 77449
    +1 (800) 675-2760 info@consumercoverage.com