Margaret Huntley Last Updated On: February 12, 2024

Home / Auto / Getting Back On the Road With the SR-22 Insurance Coverage

Staying Protected With SR-22 Insurance

Not everyone who drives a car needs SR22 insurance, but if you are required by your state to get it due to being a high-risk driver, then it’s something you need to procure and understand. That’s what we’re going to help you do today!

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What Is SR-22 Insurance?

This is a common question, and one that’s pretty simple to answer. An SR-22 form is a form filed by your insurance provider with the state to certify that you maintain the minimum level of auto liability insurance requirements. This is typically done after a major driving violation. 

SR-22 insurance refers to the insurance you’ve purchased to qualify for the SR-22 form to be filed on your behalf. The SR-22 form is sourced from your state’s department of motor vehicles and is also often referred to as an SR-22 form, an SR-22 bond, or a Certificate of Financial Responsibility.

In Florida and Virginia, an SR-22 is also known as a FR-44 form.

SR-22 Auto Insurance: Who Needs It?

The good news is that not everyone needs SR-22 auto insurance. You only need it if you’re ordered to get it by a court or by the state. This is typically only done in cases where you’ve incurred a major driving violation and you’re now a high risk driver. The state will want you to prove (by way of your insurance provider) that you’ve purchased the insurance needed to protect yourself and other drivers financially should you sustain another major driving violation.

Some of the causes for needing SR-22 auto insurance include:

  • A driving under the influence charge
  • A high number of at-fault accidents
  • Many repeat offenses back to back, such as 3 speeding tickets in under 6 months
  • A reckless driving charge
  • Driving without insurance
  • Driving with a suspended license

So, as you can see, there are many more reasons for needing SR-22 insurance and it will also depend on the laws and requirements in each state.

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The Cost of SR-22 Auto Insurance

Knowing what you now know about SR22 insurance, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that requiring it means you’ll be faced with higher premiums. After all, this form shows your insurers that you’re a risky driver. The amount of the increase in premiums will depend on a variety of factors, including:
  • Driver history
  • Past offenses
  • Severity of new offense
  • Your overall driver risk/rating
In addition to the increase in premiums, you’ll also have to pay a one-time fee to file the SR-22 form. Your insurance provider will file it on your behalf and pass that cost on to you. It can range from $15-$50, depending on the state. You won’t have to pay this fee each time you renew your auto insurance, but you would have to pay it again if you switch to a new insurance provider or your current insurance lapses.  

How to Get SR-22 Car Insurance?

If you’re required to file an SR-22 form, you can simply call your insurance provider and let them know. They’ll be able to file the form with the state and also add it to your file. 

Beware that your insurance provider could potentially drop you as a customer if you need to file an SR-22 form. They may see you as too risky to continue to insure, in which case you’ll need to find a new provider and request they file the SR-22 form on your behalf. 

If you don’t have valid auto insurance, you’ll need to source a new insurance provider and let them know that you require an SR-22 form filed, as this may affect their decision to insure you. Many insurance companies don’t even offer SR-22 insurance, so you may have to find a new provider regardless. 

We can help! Request free quotes from an insurance company that offers SR22 insurance now. 

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SR22 Auto Insurance Quotes

While an SR-22 form is not considered insurance–just confirmation that you hold the minimum amount of insurance needed–you will need auto insurance to get the SR-22 form. 

Your best bet to get affordable coverage is to get multiple quotes. This will help you compare coverage and rates and choose the best plan for you. 

Understanding SR22 Car Insurance

If you have SR22 car insurance, the most important thing is keeping it. Even just one missed insurance payment could cause your insurance to lapse, meaning you’ll be without coverage and have to find a new provider (and file a new SR-22 form). This is an avoidable hassle. 

SR22 insurance can last for years and the amount of time you need it depends on your state and the requirements. Make sure you fully understand your SR-22 policy so that you aren’t found to be driving without the right coverage. When in doubt, ask your agent!

Non Owner SR22 Insurance

If you don’t own a vehicle, don’t worry: you can still get non owner SR22 insurance and drive other vehicles while being covered. While non owner SR22 insurance typically only covers liability, it will protect you if you borrow a friend’s vehicle. Some states have rules against you driving a family member’s vehicle with non owner SR22 insurance, so make sure you understand the rules in your particular state. 

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The Bottom Line On SR22 Car Insurance Quotes

SR22 insurance can be tougher to get coverage for (especially affordable SR22 insurance), but it’s not impossible. Get competitive quotes to ensure you’re getting the best deal possible and be upfront with the insurance provider about needing an SR-22 form from the get-go to save yourself time and effort. 


SR22 insurance is the minimum amount of auto insurance required by your state to legally drive. An SR22 form is filed with the state by your insurance provider to certify that you’ve met the state’s required car insurance coverage requirements.

If you’re required to file an SR-22 form to drive, you’ll need auto insurance but not all providers will take on risky drivers. Contact your insurance provider to see if they will file an SR-22 form for you, but if not you’ll need to contact new providers for SR22 insurance.

Contact your state’s motor vehicle department to confirm. You’ll typically need an SR-22 form for about three years, but that could vary by state and circumstances. ​

Margaret Huntley Margaret Huntley is a creative writing and philosophy student at Western University. She has been working as a freelance writer for over two years and has written about everything from insurance, to poker, to health and wellness for international businesses.


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