Hollay Ghadery Last Updated On: June 27, 2023

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Pandemic Surge in Outdoor Weddings Continues, But Does Your Home Insurance Cover Weddings?

Home Insurance Cover Weddings

The dramatic uptick of outdoor weddings in recent years isn’t slowing down much, and this has left many people scrambling to grasp the logistics of having a backyard wedding. Included in that mad dash to get a grip on hosting home-based nuptials is the question of whether or not home insurance covers backyard weddings.

After all, home insurance covers incidents and accidents around the home, as well as theft and vandalism, so wouldn’t this protection extend to events that occurred during a home wedding?

Well, yes. And no. Keep reading. We’re going to dive into whether home insurance covers weddings.

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Does Home Insurance Cover Weddings? That Depends…

Here’s the thing: the liability coverage included with most home insurance policies will cover you if someone is injured on your property during the wedding, if their property is damaged, or if you are sued for an injury or damage to someone’s personal property.

Likewise, your personal property insurance, which is also included in most home insurance policies, will cover you in the event someone damages or steals your belongings or property.

But this coverage only does so much.

If you’re hosting a wedding at home, you should check your coverage limits with your provider to make sure you have enough protection. Increasing your limits will probably cost less than you anticipate and if something happens, you’ll be spared an avoidable and potentially devastating financial burden.

And if the increase in limits is cost-prohibitive, don’t give up. Get another quote from a different home insurance provider. We can help. Request a free quote now.)

When Home Insurance for Your Wedding Isn't Enough

Home insurance isn’t always enough to cover your home-based wedding, however. There are a couple of notable instances when you may need more protection.

1) You’re serving alcohol at your wedding.

If you’re planning on serving alcohol at your home wedding, then you’ll want to look into liquor liability insurance.

There are a few types of coverages that may be helpful—or necessary—when planning for boozy nuptials.

  • Liquor Liability Insurance. This policy should be held by a vendor (like a professional bartender) who you’ve hired to serve alcohol at your wedding. Make sure your vendors have this coverage. It will protect them from any liability associated with your event.
  • Social Host Liability Insurance. This kind of coverage is short-term and protects you as the wedding’s host. Think of it as a supplement to your homeowner’s insurance that provides extra coverage. 
  • Umbrella Insurance. Some homeowners already have umbrella policies, which are not related specifically to weddings but are designed to provide cushier protection against possible incidents and accidents—usually when homeowners are concerned the standard home insurance policy may not be enough.

Learn more about umbrella insurance here.

2) You Want (or Need) Wedding Insurance

Wedding insurance is not the same thing as having a home insurance policy that will cover your wedding. Rather, wedding insurance is a separate kind of insurance, sold by specialized providers, that covers wedding-specific losses and damages.

For instance, wedding insurance can cover you in case of vendor cancellation, extreme weather, military deployment, and damage to the wedding dress or other wedding attire. This, in addition to insurance against people getting injured or sick or property damage.

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So, Does Home Insurance Cover Weddings?

Yes, it can—but it may not be enough. If you’re having a small gathering, you may be good to go with your existing policy (though it’s always a smart idea to call your provider and ask). If you’re planning a larger affair—and a more expensive affair—then it is wise to at least look into padding your home insurance coverage, and/or perhaps getting a separate wedding insurance policy as well.

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Hollay Ghadery Hollay Ghadery is a writer and editor who is passionate about financial literacy as a means to personal fulfillment. Hollay has over 18 years of experience creating content about a range of topics related to personal finance, including insurance, investing, banking, and credit cards. When Hollay isn't writing, she's spending time with her four children, two dogs, and three goats.

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