Paige Cerulli Last Updated On: August 30, 2024

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Florida Medicare Supplement Plans

While Medicare helps to cover many of your healthcare costs, you’ll still be responsible for paying expenses like deductibles and copays. Florida Medicare Supplement plans can help cover these out-of-pocket expenses, so you can enjoy more complete coverage.

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What Are Florida Medicare Supplement Plans?

Original Medicare Parts A and B comes with some cost-sharing requirements, so you’ll still need to pay toward your healthcare costs. Medicare supplement plans, also called Medigap plans, help to cover expenses like your deductibles, copays, and coinsurance costs.

When you sign up for a Medicare Supplement in Florida, you’ll pay a monthly premium for this extra coverage. Your Medigap policy can reduce your out-of-pocket costs, which can make it easier to afford the healthcare you need.

What Does Medicare Supplement Insurance in Florida Cover?

There are a total of 10 standardized Medicare Supplement plans available. These plans are regulated by the federal and state governments, and you can choose from all 10 plan types in Florida. The coverage and plan costs vary from plan to plan. Plans F and G are the most comprehensive options, but you’ll pay more for the coverage. Depending on the plan you choose, your coverage might include:
  • Medicare Part A coinsurance and hospital expenses
  • Medicare Part B coinsurance or copayments
  • Skilled nursing facility care coinsurance
  • Medicare Part A and/or Part B deductibles
  • And more

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What Are the Best Medicare Supplement Plans in Florida?

Deciding which Medicare Supplement plan is best is a personal choice that will depend on your coverage needs and how much you can afford to pay for a plan. Think about the types of healthcare that you’re most likely to need, as well as which expenses would be difficult for you to cover. We’ve highlighted some of the must-know essentials about the most popular plans:
  • Plan F is the most comprehensive plan and covers the Part B deductible, but it’s only available for those who were eligible for Medicare before January 2020.
  • Plan G is another highly comprehensive plan, and those who were eligible for Medicare after January 2020 can get Plan G. This plan covers Medicare Part B excess charges.
  • Plan K creates an out-of-pocket limit, which means that once you’ve paid your Part B deductible and reached the limit, your plan will cover the rest of your healthcare expenses until renewal.
  • Plan N is the most affordable Medigap plan, so you can get coverage for a minimal amount. With Plan N, you’ll still be responsible for doctor and emergency room visit copays

How to Find the Best Medicare Supplement in Florida

Factors like your age, gender, and location will all affect what you’ll pay for a Medicare Supplement plan in Florida. You can get a free, personalized online quote of the plans and pricing that are available in your area. When deciding which plan is best for you, consider not only your budget, but also the types of healthcare you’re most likely to need. Then, look for a plan that covers those care types and related expenses.

Paige Cerulli Paige Cerulli is a freelance content writer and journalist who specializes in personal finance topics. She graduated from Westfield State University and brings more than a decade of professional writing experience to the ConsumerCoverage team. Paige’s work has appeared in outlets including USA Today, Business Insider, and more.


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