Margaret Huntley Last Updated On: June 27, 2023

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Does Car Insurance Cover Hail Damage?

Hail damage car insurance

If you’ve ever experienced a hailstorm before, you’ll know how dangerous it can be. Plus, it’s quite common for these hailstones to cause damage to vehicles. They can:

  • Dent the body 
  • Scratch the paint
  • Crack or shatter the windshield
  • Crack or shatter the windows
  • Create interior water damage

Depending on the severity of the damage to your vehicle, you could be facing some costly repairs or even find yourself in need of a replacement vehicle. 

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Car Insurance and Hail Damage

Hail damage might be covered under your insurance, depending on the type of policy you have. There are two kinds of car insurance policies:

  1. Auto liability insurance: In most states, this is the minimum amount of insurance required of drivers. This policy only covers damage and medical bills incurred to another person due to an accident that you caused, which means that this type of insurance does not cover hail damage.
  2. Comprehensive coverage: This policy covers damages to your car in collisions and in other circumstances such as weather, animals, and falling objects. With this policy, hail damage is covered. You must have this coverage before the damage occurs to your vehicle in order to make a claim.

If you have a comprehensive coverage policy, then your provider would pay the cost of repairs. If the vehicle is totalled, then they would pay the actual cash value of the vehicle. A car is considered totalled when the cost of repair exceeds the value of the car. 

Comprehensive Coverage Deductibles

Deductibles are the amount that is paid out of pocket for a given claim before insurance can be paid. Deductibles will vary based on your policy, but the higher the deductible, the lower the premiums and vice versa. 

You should only make a claim for hail damage if the cost of repair or replacement exceeds your deductible amount. For example, if the damage is $500 and your deductible is $1,000, then there is no use in filing a claim because you’d have to pay the $500 out of pocket regardless. Getting a quote from a repair shop before filing a claim is a good idea. 

Some insurance providers also make special exceptions for glass repairs with regard to deductibles. If the glass is repaired instead of replaced, an insurance company might be inclined to waive the deductible. They may also offer full glass coverage, meaning that they cover all glass damages without deductibles. 

Be sure to check with your provider what coverage they offer. 

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Hail Damage Claims and Insurance Rates

When you make a claim for an at-fault collision, your monthly premiums will likely increase. This is not necessarily the case for making a claim due to hail damage. 

Generally speaking, making one or two claims for hail damage will not affect your insurance rates. However, if you make frequent claims, regardless of why they are made, then you will be flagged as a high-risk customer and your insurance rates are likely to increase. 

Avoiding Hail Damage

Regardless of whether or not you have insurance coverage, avoiding hail damage to your vehicle will save you a ton of hassle. Here are some tips:

  • Park in a garage
  • Install a carport in your driveway
  • Use a padded cover or a hail protection blanket
  • Find shelter if driving in a hailstorm
  • Check the weather forecast before taking your car out

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Key Takeaways

Hail damage is generally covered by car insurance, as long as you have comprehensive coverage. But preventing hail damage is often easier than filing a claim for compensation and can save you money. Stay safe out there, but check your coverage to make sure you’re protected should the unexpected happen. 

Margaret Huntley Margaret Huntley is a creative writing and philosophy student at Western University. She has been working as a freelance writer for over two years and has written about everything from insurance, to poker, to health and wellness for international businesses.

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